Corion: peintures innovantes issues de la recherche la plus avancée
Una ciclabile che brilla di luce propria. Verona avrà la prima corsia dedicata a bici e monopattini in grado di illuminarsi con il buio in Italia. Non per l’installazione di lampioni pubblici, ma grazie all’applicazione di una nuova vernice luminescente, con pigmenti che assorbono i raggi ultravioletti e rilasciano luce durante la notte. Una sperimentazione che arriva direttamente dal Brasile e che approda per la prima volta in Italia, a Verona. La vernice luminescente è stato donata dall’azienda Corion, che ha sede a San Paolo in Brasile e a Milano, e che ha scelto la città di Verona per dimostrare come la vernice possa essere efficace in ambito urbano.
LINK: Leggi su Verona News
LINK: TG Veneto
Des couples de figures humaines soulignés par l’utilisation de la peinture Corion Led Cell en jaune fluorescent sont apparus simultanément sur Gucci ArtWall à Londres, Milan, New York, Taiwan et Hong Kong. Gucci lance ainsi le nouveau chapitre de la campagne à but non lucratif CHIME FOR CHANGE, caractérisée par le slogan "se rassembler" pour soutenir l'égalité des sexes.
Corion Led Cell est une peinture luminescente qui éclaire dans le noir. L'absorption de lumière naturelle ou artificielle est capable de diffuser la lumière même dans l'obscurité. Parfait pour les applications dans le domaine artistique, il s’agit avant tout d’un produit écologique qui permet de réaliser de grandes économies de consommation d’électricité. Il s'autorégule en s'adaptant aux besoins de l'environnement. Plus l'environnement est sombre, plus la peinture brille.
LINK: Chime Website
LINK: Chime Press Release
Corion Paintes was one of the companies that represented the Brazilian economy in an event in Italy.
In commemoration of the Independence of Brazil, the Brazilian Consulate in Milan held a party where it brought together the culture and tradition of both countries. On one side the Brazilian capoeira ginga and on the other the heat, enthusiasm and Italian cuisine.
Consul General of Brazil Paulo Cordeiro de Andrade Pinto
Brazilian Capoeira Dance
External area of Palazzo Clerici where the guests gathered after the speech of the Consul General
Corion was present at this event with the participation of the Brazilian Consul General Paulo Cordeiro de Andrade Pinto, Consul General of Uruguay Ricardo Francisco Duarte Vargas, Consul General of Argentina, and representatives of several companies and sectors important for the two economies.
Sergio Giorgetti, owner of Corion, with Brazil's Consul General Paulo Cordeiro de Andrade Pinto and his wife
Sergio Giorgetti with the Uruguayan Consul General Ricardo Francisco Duarte Varga
Sergio Giorgetti with the Deputy Consul of Argetina, Julian Perez
Sergio Giorgetti with his wife Daniela Giorgetti
The feast in homage to September 7 was held at the Palazzo Clerici in the center of the city. Just to give you an idea, the palace structure was built in the 17th century on a property of the Visconti family of Somma Lombardo, from which it was sold in the middle of the century to Clerici after a series of existing renovations.
Recovered by the Austrians during the restoration, it passed to the Piedmontese after the Italian unification and, from 1862, became the seat of the Court of Appeal. Since 1942, it has hosted the ISPI, the Institute for International Political Studies.
History of Palazzo Clerici
The Clerici family, originally from Como, was the protagonist of a rapid social rise, thanks to the enormous capital accumulated with the activities of the silk trade and the loan to usury. Giorgio Clerici (1648-1736, who was among other things the builder of the famous Villa Carlotta on Lake Como) joined the Milanese nobility, with the titles of Marquis Cavenago, Lord of the Cuggiono and Trecate.